25 Hornwort
25 Hornwort
Hornwort, also known as Coontail, has sturdy, layered hair-like foliage that helps oxygenate and clarify the water as well as keep algae growth to a minimum. It is found free-floating worldwide, in moving and still waters, or loosely anchored in muddy bottoms. Hornwort leaves are dark green and grow from a 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches long on stems that can reach 24 inches in length. These plants have lead weights and can be simply tossed in your pond and will sink to the bottom. Hornwort typically winters over in zones 5-6 or warmer. While koi tend to devour many plants, they seem to leave hornwort along. This is part of our formula for crystal clear pond water.
The Eddie’s Formula for Crystal Clear Pond Water
1. One bunch of submerged plants per square foot of surface area. Anacharis (if legal where you are) works well in a water garden but koi tend to eat it. Hornwort works well, usually winters over in our zone and the koi tend not to eat it.
2. Floating plants to cover 25-50% of the pond surface. Water lilies, hyacinths and lettuce will work great.
3. Adequate filtration and circulation. Many filters are overrated for the pond size they can handle. Ask one of our team about the best filter for your pond.
4. Regular addition of beneficial bacteria. We recommend Microbe-Lift PL or Crystal Clear Biological Clarifier. A good EPA approved algaecide is D-Solve 9, also by Crystal Clear.
5. Not more than 1” of fish per square foot of pond surface area. Remember pond fish grow and multiply.